Friday, August 04, 2006

Diplomacy ...

The characters:

1. Sir Humphrey – Permanent Cabinet Secretary
2. Sir Frederick – Permanent secretary of the Foreign and Commonwealth office
3. Bernard Woolley – Private secretary to the Prime Minister


Sir Frederick: There are 157 independent countries in the world, we have dealt with them for years. There is hardly any MP who knows anything about any one of them.

Sir Humphrey: Show them a map of the world, most of them will have a job finding the Isle of Wight.

Bernard: Well, politicians can’t be that ignorant.

Both secretaries laugh.

Sir Frederick: Very well, sit down Bernard.

Sir Frederick: Where is Upper Volta?

Bernard: um …

Sir Humphrey: What’s the capital of Chad?

Bernard: um …

Sir Frederick: What language do they speak in Bali?

Bernard: um …

Sir Humphrey: Who is the president of Peru?

Bernard: um …

Sir Frederick: What is the national religion of Cameroon?

Bernard: um …

Sir Humphrey: Bernard, you should stand for parliament.

(taken from the episode, "A Victory for Democracy").


Aparajita Paul said...

hmmmmmmm.....wht exactly u wanna convey thru this post....

politicians r stupid gits./

Manas Pathak said...

The point is that how the civil service runs the country instead of ministers.

Well, if you have seen the show you know :)

btw, how many questions could you answer?